To be economically responsible
The Vaubernier cheese dairy is an independent family business on a human scale. We attach as much importance to sustainability as to the development of our economic activity.
With responsibility and commitment, every day we strive to:
- producing safe and quality products,
- satisfying our customers and our consumers,
- make responsible purchases and favour local purchases
- promote the development and skills of our employees
- guarantee professional equality between women and men
- reducing the impact of our activities on the environment,
- perfecting our manufacturing processes.
To develop safe, healthy
and quality products
We attach the greatest importance to the selection of our raw materials and, to guarantee the quality of our products, we set ourselves high standards. As part of our HACCP approach, we implement nearly 300 daily tests on the milk, the environment (air, water, hand hygiene ...) and the cheeses, from milk collection, to finished products.
Our cheese makers and their teams also ensure that our cheeses, butters and semi-skimmed milk comply with the defined specifications by organizing tastings to validate their presentation, texture and flavour.

Our accreditations
To forge respectful human relationships
At Vaubernier we pay particular attention to the relationships we maintain with our employees, our partners, our consumers, our customers and our suppliers.
With our teams
Hands-on management
We have implemented a hands-on management system allowing every employee to give meaning to their work by becoming a competent, responsible and involved team player. The proximity between employees and their manager makes it possible to promote dialogue and support throughout their career.
We ensure that all employees are treated fairly, without discrimination of gender, origin or age. It is skill and know-how that are taken into account right from the recruitment phase.

Health and safety at work
For a long time, a versatile work organisation has been established within the cheese dairy in order to fight against MSDs (Musculoskeletal Disorders). We conduct a safety policy based on the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Commission (CSSCT).
Skills development through training
We promote the development of skills through training so that every employee can obtain the key skills necessary to support the growth and changes the company.
The gender equality index is 99/100
Professional equality between women and men is at the heart of the company's values. Each year, any discrepancies are analyzed in order to reduce them and contribute to equal access for employment, training and career development.
In 2022, the Vaubernier cheese dairy's gender equality index, calculated using 4 indicators, is 99 points out of a total of 100 points.
With our milk farmers
Our milk farmers are close to the cheese dairy and we have been collecting certain farms for more than 50 years. This partnership is essential to guarantee the quality of milk. Our proximity allows us to get to know each other well and to exchange in complete transparency about the problems of dairy farming, the needs of the company and market prospects. Our cheese dairy has made a long-term commitment to serving responsible milk prices.

We have been partners with the Vaubernier cheese dairy for more than 20 years. When my wife and I made the choice to convert to organic milk production, we took time to reflect together about a solution to promote our local production. Thus was born the Petit BIO Bons Mayennais, the first organic camembert cheese.
With our customers and our consumers
We have established relationships of trust with our customers who know the cheese dairy and its values. We regularly invite them to visit our facilities and meet our teams. We listen to them in order to provide solutions that meet their needs.
We are also proud to have consumers loyal to our products. This commitment, especially to the Bons Mayennais brand, is reflected in the undeniable success of our loyalty program.

With our suppliers
We reference our suppliers on the basis of specifications and CSR criteria. We favour responsible purchasing, reducing environmental and societal impacts and promoting good social practices.

To reduce our impact on the environment
Because we are committed to protecting and preserving everything around us, daily we try to reduce our impact on the environment.
Preserve our resources
Water is a rare and precious resource. All our efforts, combined an investment plan, have so far enabled us to save 30,000 m³ of water per year.
We recover our waste water in partnership with several milk farmers.
Each year, we continue our efforts by investing in equipment that is more environmentally friendly.

Give priority to short routes
If we collect our milk from close to the cheese dairy, it is also to control our carbon footprint better. This eco-responsible approach leads us to favour local purchases as much as possible.
As a result, more than 98% of our raw materials are purchased locally.

Packaging and recycling
We collect, recycle and recover all waste that can be: plastic, paper, glass and metals.
We are also committed to developing recyclable packaging with an eco-responsible approach:
- all our wooden cheese boxes come from sustainably managed forests
- we indicate the sorting instructions on each pack. For more information: